Monday, May 23, 2011

Queen Victoria Day

I suppose we have to thank Queen Victoria for today’s holiday. That’s assuming she established it, or did someone do it in her remembrance? I guess either way, we have today off. But it begs the question, why don’t we have a day off for every sovereign’s birthday?

And it raises the next question, Why do we have a holiday just because it is, or was her birthday. And why a birthday for a king or queen anyway; I’d rather have a holiday on my birthday to celebrate—on second thoughts, at my age I don’t particularly want to count birthdays, thank you!

Eventually, I suppose it’s any excuse for a holiday. Alberta had given us “Family Day” in February to round out approximately a holiday every month of the year. But what’s a family to do in February? Why not a family week in July?

It reminds me of the crazy Quebecers where the construction industry shuts down for two weeks every summer for vacation—during the best building weather in this winterized climate. Or the crazy Canadians generally who have new year’s day off for no particular reason—let’s give that one to the Quebec building industry!

But probably the more relevant question is what we are going to do with today’s break? Well for one, I’m going to rejoice that Harold’s prediction was off again, and look forward to his next one. For you it may be resting up After THE GAME and gaining strength for the next one!

What about the rest of life: Is it going to count for something? But we only have one day at a time. We can’t count on tomorrow and yesterday has gone. What are you going to do today that leaves a worthwhile memory for tomorrow, and what will you do if you have tomorrow? And most relevant—are you prepared if you don’t?

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