Sunday, March 2, 2014

Polygamy and Adultery

Legalization of gay marriage opens the door to other marriage relationships—in particular, acceptance of polygamy. 

At the time of writing, polygamy exists in the province of British Columbia and it is not pursued by the police. This is partly because to do so would provoke a challenge under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Approval of one alternate form of marriage reduces the defence against others.

Polygamy was practised in Old Testament times, but this and other readings indicate that it was not very satisfactory, recall Hannah and Peninah, 1 Samuel 1:1–7. Both of Jacob’s wives were unhappy, Leah because she was not loved and Rachel because she was barren. While tolerated in the Old Testament, it was illicit by New Testament times when Jesus repeated the creation ideal of one man and one woman, Matthew 19:4–6. 

Polygamy may not yet be a serious issue, but adultery is rampant and repeats all the problems of polygamy—humiliation, jealousy and possible abandonment. The problem, unfortunately, is not restricted to the married partners. It has its effect on their children. 

Hagar’s child Ishmael copied the scorn of his mother, Gen. 16:3–4; 21:8–9, and rival children from David’s wives turned to violence and murder. Similarly, children in adulterous homes often suffer lifelong trauma, and may develop habits of their adulterous parents in adult life. 

The greatest security we can give children is a home that is secure in its parental relationships—where two parents of opposite sex love and respect each other.

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